How Norwegian Cruise Line improves mobile customer journeys using Contentsquare


Delaney McDonald

September 5, 2023 | 3 min read

Last Updated: Sep 5, 2023

With Contentsquare, Norwegian Cruise Line can help multiple teams accomplish a common goal: Help users get through a complex mobile customer journey with minimal steps and friction points.

Planning, researching and booking a vacation can often lead you down a complex and complicated user journey. Navigating travel dates to destinations, accommodations and transportation can be a lot to handle, especially on the limited real estate of mobile screens.

With this in mind, Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL) aims to offer mobile visitors the most seamless and intuitive booking experience possible. By ensuring users can complete their goals in as few steps as possible, NCL knows it will deliver a better experience and see higher conversion.

Using Contentsquare, the NCL digital team can review real user journeys, replay specific user sessions to better understand their visitors’ experience and pinpoint areas of friction.

By understanding visitors’ behavior and activity within a page, NCL can easily identify what content or actions frustrate users and eliminate them.

Deeper mobile customer journey data and faster error resolution

NCL removed the siloed views caused by teams working independently and instead uses easy-to-understand data visualizations from Contentsquare that facilitate cross-functional alignment.

With every team and department able to access and understand NCL’s mobile customer experience in one platform, NCL can build a comprehensive optimization roadmap that leads to more conversions and better customer satisfaction.

And with one central source of truth for understanding customer journey data, all NCL teams can work together to accomplish the common goal of creating better digital customer experiences.

“That’s the exciting thing for us about Contentsquare, it’s not a single siloed lens. We can look at very tactically focused things with Find & Fix. We can quantify exactly what’s happening and how it applies to the guest’s journey. We can see what steps they’re taking and where errors happen, and further segment those audience groups into how they’re performing in a particular area or certain steps in their journey. And so for us, it’s a really, really great way to bring a lot of teams together to solve a common set of problems.” —Kellay Buckelew, VP Digital Experience, Norwegian Cruise Line

In addition, Contentsquare’s Find & Fix solution helps Norwegian Cruise Line surface issues like JS errors and slow-loading pages within user journeys to find the root causes and resolve them for good. Find & Fix helps NCL minimize user frustration by alerting them to site issues and prioritizing the most conversion-impacting concerns.

The result? A more efficient, faster loading and relevant mobile user experience for all of NCL’s visitors.

Smaller screens come with bigger expectations

In recent years, mobile traffic has increased exponentially and along with it, the expectations about what a positive mobile experience entails. With 6.9 billion smartphone users worldwide, brands can no longer afford not to meet those expectations. Mobile experience, whether via browser or app, is crucial to the new age of digital customer experience.

Norwegian Cruise Line is paving the way when it comes to innovative mobile-first digital strategies. The mobile user experience must be exceptional and provide the same brand experience as other channels—allowing for a truly omnichannel customer journey.

Hear from Norwegian Cruise Line at CX Circle 2023 in New York City

CX Circle is Contentsquare’s global flagship event that brings together the industry’s best to discuss all things digital experience and highlight winning customer experience (CX) strategies and innovations.

Norwegian Cruise Line, alongside other top brands like Zoom, Nutribullet, BlackRock, Snowflake and more, will be at CX Circle in New York City on September 28, discussing topics including establishing digital trust, optimizing the mobile experience and harnessing the power of AI.

“What is exciting about CX Circle is it’s time to get out of your normal rhythm. Time to get inspired in new ways that you might not have thought about before, or thought about 12 months ago and got busy and didn’t get the chance to pursue. That’s what I look forward to. That’s why I’m excited about going to CX Circle. “ —Kellay Buckelew, VP Digital Experience, Norwegian Cruise Line

Come join us at CX Circle and rub shoulders with fellow digital professionals, be inspired by tales of exciting digital transformations and celebrate this incredible community coming together with delicious bites and flowing drinks.

Learn more about the in-person and virtual CX Circle event here.


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